Sie sind hier: Simulation Program>>Installation

Generating an Executable of ms2

Download of ms2:
Please download the source code of ms2 as tarball on the webpage:
Other mirrors of ms2 are not authorized for distribution of ms2 and should therefore be avoided.

For installation of ms2, please uncompress the tarball in any directory of your choice.

mkdir ms2


tar xzvf ms2package_V1.0.tar.gz -C ms2

Change into the directory "ms2", which will contain all source code files. The directory is automatically created in the folder of your tarball.
Compile the program using the Makefile of the package.


ATTENTION: The Makefile has to be adjusted according to your compiler you intent to use. For the most common Linux Compilers Intel Ifort, Portlang Group pgf90, and GNU gfortran, an optimized Makefile named Makefile.mult is included in the package. No further adaptation has to be made. For its use, please refer to the following section.

Installation using common Linux compilers

The program package ms2 includes a specific Makefile "Makefile.mult" for the most common FORTRAN90 compilers on a Linux environment. It covers compilation options for generating executables of ms2 for sequential simulations as well as simulations in parallel. Its use is explained below.

Compiling ms2 using Portland Group Compiler

For compilation of a sequential version of ms2 using the Portland Group Compiler pgf90, please execute the following command in the directory containing program files:

make -f Makefile.mult pgf

The executable file ms2.pgf will be created. The program can be executed on any simulation machine using at most one core at the same time.
For parallel use of ms2 on multiple cores, please compile the source code with following command:

make-f Makefile.mult  pgf_mpi

The executable file ms2mpi will be created. The compilation for multiple cores includes following compiler optimizations.

- fastsse
- r8

Please check, if these compiler settings are supported on your system.

Linux PC with intel ifort

For compilation of a sequential version of ms2 using the Intel ifort, please execute the following command in the directory containing program files:

make -f Makefile.mult ifort

The executable file ms2.ifort will be created.
For parallel use of ms2 on multiple cores, please compile the source code with following command:

make  -f Makefile.mult ifort_mpi

The executable file ms2mpi will be created. The compilation for multiple cores includes following compiler optimizations.
- 02
- fdefault-real-8
Please check, if these compiler settings are supported on your system.

PC with GNU gfortran

For compilation of a sequential version of ms2 using the GNU gfortran, please execute the following command in the directory containing program files:

make -f Makefile.mult gfortran

The executable file ms2.gfortran will be created.
For parallel use of ms2 on multiple cores, please compile the source code with following command:

make -f Makefile.mult gfortran_mpi

The executable file ms2mpi will be created. The compilation for multiple cores includes following compiler optimizations.
- 02
- fdefault-real-8
- static
- r8
Please check, if these compiler settings are supported on your system.

Other platforms

To compile the program on a generic platform execute the following command in the directory containing program files:

make generic

The executable file ms2 will be created.
This file is not optimized. To optimize it, add necessary compiler switches to the generic section of the file Makefile.mult before executing the make generic command.